

We’re making like a bear and going into hibernation. We will finish construction on the expanded marketplace and bubble wrap the newly renovated space until the spring.

The bear wouldn’t hibernate if the only season was summer. They voluntarily enter hibernation to conserve energy when food is scarce and exposure to the elements carries the most risk. Just like the bear, we are choosing not to expend our remaining resources fighting against the increasing risk of operating during this height of the pandemic. Instead, we will conserve and focus our efforts in preparing for a strong reemergence in the spring. 

Why now? We have been pressing on since March relentlessly, innovating and implementing new solutions as the rules change. Our surge capacity--what humans draw on for short-term survival in acutely stressful situations, like natural disasters--has been stressed to the limit for short-term gains (or more accurately, less short-term losses). What we face this coming winter is only the next surge of the pandemic, not the last of it. By choosing to hibernate now, we can better leverage our remaining resources and capacity than if we charged ahead. We will strategize for the long-term during these months of lowest possible returns and actualize those plans when the spring again permits more operational options for restaurants.

Stay tuned on social media for details on our reopening - Spring 2021.